Abdul Waheed, 29, one of three people arrested in March over an US $1 million drug bust, fled to India this month after a court ruled he should not be kept in detention pending trial, police have said.

Under the country�'�''�''s new constitution, ratified on 7 August, police must seek permission from a judge before detaining anyone for over 24 hours.

But Sri Lankan citizen Sameen Ummul Fahumiyya, 56, another suspect in the same case, also fled the country after being released from custody in June, prior to the new constitution.

Just one of the three suspects arrested over the drugs haul remains in police custody.
  • Drug Facts
  • Percocet can cause spasms of the stomach and/or intestinal tract.
  • Percocet when abused can be taken orally in pill form, chewed, or crushed (then snorted like cocaine).
  • Percocet is an addictive narcotic and even a normal dose can be fatal.
  • Addiction is a major risk with prolonged use (over 2-3 weeks) of percocet.